I can’t come up with a title for this one

If you told my middle school self how much I would love writing as an adult, I would think you were crazy. And yet, here I am, doing a face mask and taking the time to write some thoughts down. Although, I realize it may not be the best time to write since I can’t wear my glasses while I am doing a face mask... so maybe I’ll wait 10 minutes and continue my thoughts when the face mask is done. Yeah I think that’s a good plan.

Alright, mask washed off and glasses back on, much better circumstances for writing. I don’t really have anything to talk about today, so I guess I’ll just type. I just realized that the nights I sat down to write, I slept better because the weight of thoughts were gone. Maybe a blog isn’t the best for everyone. Trust me, I understand wanting to be private about your life, but if nothing else, start a journal for yourself. There’s something so freeing about writing down the main thought that has been weighing on you for the day. Today, I feel like that thought is worry about Baxter. He hasn’t been doing well, and we’re trying to figure out what’s wrong, and now we’ve gotten to a point where he needs an ultrasound too see if he has the “C” word I can’t let escape from my mouth. I love him to pieces and even though he’s getting older, I feel like he has so much life left to live. So whether you pray, send good vibes, or positive messages, anything would be appreciated.

Other then that, school is the other thing on my mind a lot. We are almost done with muscles, and we are at the point in our program where we have tests every other day, and then a presentation that is going to be due soon, but we don’t have a date for it yet. It’s such a weird thought, having a project due at some point. I mean it’s helping me cure my procrastination because it could be due by the end of this week and with work, taking care of Baxter, keeping up with daily tasks, and the fact that I’m not 19 anymore, pulling an all-nighter to finish a project is the last thing on my list of things I’d love to do. I used to be such a night owl, and I still am to a point, but man, I’m writing this at 10 pm and I am already feeling my eyes get heavy, I haven’t even taken my Benadryl yet. Who knew being an adult as so riveting. Again, if I told my younger self that the idea of staying up till the sun rises would be the last thing on my radar, I would have laughed in your face. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be up at the ass crack of dawn, but I would rather be up by 8 am after getting a good night sleep. It’s those little things that make you happy, and a good night of sleep is one of my favorites.

Alright, this is getting off topic, back to school. I guess to everyone may know, but I am currently enrolled in massage school. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for so long, but something always seemed to get in the way. For 10 years I’ve battled with the idea of going, and this year I finally took the chance and did. What a year to be back in school. It may not be the worst thing to enroll when I did, I mean, I started a week before everything went on lockdown. Even though I miss the hands on learning experience of everything, I think learning every bone and muscle in the body while going to school full-time and working part-time, I might have lost my mind. But this week is the last week we learn muscles, and then next week is our muscle final, a test that will be 75 questions long, asking random questions about the action, origin, and insertion of each muscle. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to study for this thing. I’m just happy my average is so high right now, if I bomb this one, it’ll be fine. But being me, I really don’t want to bomb it. So it may be a couple of late nights studying just so I can try and let some of this knowledge get into my brain. I wasn’t clueless going into massage school, but man learning muscles week after week, I can’t wait for a break.Let’s be honest, I will getting more of a break, the muscle section will be completed, and we’ll be moving on to the systems of the body, which I am hoping won’t be quite as in depth as the muscle portion of our class, but we shall see.

This week though, we do get a one day break from muscles to start Intro to Chakra. I am so excited. These are the things I was looking forward to when I signed up for school. I was also looking forward to the learning massage part but that may be pushed off even more then it already has been. By know I should know Swedish massage, reflexology, and hydrotherapy, instead, I just know how to do a 15 minute chair massage. Something I should probably be practicing more because I’m sure the day we come back, we’ll be tested on it. Plus, with the talk of possibly not going back until all our theory work is done, it may be a while and that means, when we go back, we will be massaging all day everyday which is going to be a lot on my body. So yeah, not the worst idea to start building up some strength. Adam will be very happy about that. I am super grateful that I’m at a school that can continue our education, even with a pandemic going around. In the end, learning all the theory this way, may be the best thing for me. Who knows. It’s just a crazy time to be living in the world. Hopefully there’ll be more clarity soon. Until then, I’ll just sit here, studying till the end of time, every muscle in the body. Wish me luck.

Before I go, I just want to say, I hope everyone is doing well, staying safe, and taking care of their health, not just physical but mental. Find an outlet, maybe its art. Maybe meditation. Maybe on a whim you decide to start a blog. Whatever it is, take some time for yourself to be quiet. Turn off the TV, your phone, maybe even tell the others who live in your house that if you’re bothered in the next 15 minutes, there ill be consequences, whatever you have to do to take care of you, do it. I know people are taking about it a bunch these days, and at times it can just feel like a fad or an annoying thing you’ll get to later, but don’t put it off. I did for years and it led to major anxiety and a couple of panic attacks. Don’t let it get to that point. Find your thing and if you have trouble, talk with a friend, family, or even a therapist if needed. Even though it was only for 2 months, talking to someone who had a neutral perspective on my life helped me do things I never thought possible. Things that changed my direction in life from feeling stuck, to having the courage to go back to school in the last year of my 20’s. Something I though would always just be a pipe dream, but will now be real in a few months. Alright, I’ll get off my soap box. Love you guys, and thank you as always for caring enough to read the things I write.




I Love You


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist