
My dog pee’d on the floor this morning. Let me elaborate, he pee’d on the hallway floor in our apartment building at 5:30 this morning. Sadly, this is the second time he has done this and after the craziness that was the first time, I learned that trying to tell him no and pull him along didn’t stop him from peeing, it just made more of a mess. So this time, I just stood there, laughing quietly as to not wake up the neighbors, while he stared at me and continued to pee. Don’t worry, I went back out and sprayed it with an order eater and blotted it up as best I could, but based on the stains in the carpet, he’s not the first dog that’s done this.

But that’s Baxter, a super sassy almost 12 year old beagle, and I love him to pieces. He was originally Adam’s, but when I came around, he slowly became mine as well, and when I say slowly, I mean slooooowly. It took about a year for me to get him to come around. Twice, he literally pee’d at my feet when Adam left the house during our first year of dating. The second time, he was injured and I was sick, Adam had just left to go pick me up medicine from Walgreens, when Baxter walked over to me and pee’d. I literally fell to the ground crying, so defeated because at this point, Adam and I has been dating for about 9 months and it seemed like Baxter would never like me. But in that moment, of me on the floor crying, he walked over to me and gave me a reluctant kiss. It was the start of us falling in love with each other.

Then over the next few months, I became in charge of his food, he needed to go on a diet and I figured since he already didn’t like me, I might as well be the one to take the food away. Fast forward almost 6 years later, Adam and I both know who he loves more... me!

I’ve learned so much over the past few years of having a dog, he’s taught me a ton about unconditional love, especially when I just want to scream because he’s pee’d on the floor, again. I’ve learned how to love him through it all. His sassy attitude and constant begging for food. Through his loud howl and separation anxiety that gets us in trouble with the neighbors. Even through him sneaking up on the bed and laying in the perfect spot so when I go to roll over, he’s in the way and I have to attempt to wake him up. I mean, I loved him enough to put him on a diet, and let’s just be real, with a beagle, that’s no easy task. But here he his, 25 lbs down and healthier then ever, even though he has more grey’s, his energy and playfulness are still there.

Now, he’s my shadow. I can’t go anywhere without him following me to see what I’m doing. Although, there is one exception, when he’s sleeping on the couch with dad. Then, there’s no getting him up. But that’s fine with me, they’ve been through so much together, and Adam’s been there for him since he was 1. They’re two peas in a pod, and I have the pictures to prove it. They’re adorable, I’ll have to share them.

I know this post was a little different then yesterday’s, but hey, I warned you, these were just going to be stories about my life and things I felt like sharing with you all. Can’t promise they’re all going to be laying it all on the table rants of passion. But that’s life, right. Passionate moments that make you think and then simple ones, that make you smile. It’s all apart of the journey.




Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist


Mother’s Day