Hi, my name is Rene. I am 30, married to an awesome man named Adam, I recently became a licensed massage therapist, and was mom to my amazing fur baby named Baxter and newly became mom to a little fur baby named Ruby. If you’re here, there is a good chance you’re a friend or family member of mine, but if not, welcome and thank you for joining me.

I decided to start this blog while in the middle of a pandemic, going to school full-time, working part-time, and going through an emotional roller coaster called infertility. Not sure what I’m going to talk about on here, but I am definitely going to talk about my struggles with PCOS and infertility, and I am hoping to just share funny stories from everyday life, or just use this as a place to share the things I’m going through. Now that I am a LMT, I would also love to share some knowledge I have gained through my schooling and continuing education.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and please don’t judge me, I am not a trained writer. English wasn’t my best subject in school, and if I’m really honest, it was one of my worst. I hope as I keep writing I’ll get better. Well, not sure what else to say except you’re beautiful and have a wonderful day!

